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Why Fall Is the Most Productive Season

Sep 26th, 2023

With summer behind us, our minds naturally turn to what we need to get accomplished before the end of the year. Autumn is the best time to get work done with October being the optimal month. November is also productive, however, once the Christmas season starts, productivity declines as people tend to get stressed over expanding to-do lists and double-booked social calendars.

It's time to get things done this autumn

For many people, autumn is their favorite season. The trees are exploding with beautiful hues of yellow, red and orange. The temperatures are beginning to drop, bringing us relief from the summer with crisp mornings and cool evening breezes. Studies have shown that people’s contentment declines when temperatures rise above 70 degrees or fall below 50 degrees, making autumn temperatures ideal for hitting the happiness zone. Cooler weather can make us feel more energized and ready to take on new projects.

Feeling nostalgic

We cannot deny the nostalgic feeling that fall brings with it. It has been engrained in us for as long as we can remember. As children, we associated fall with going back to school, new clothes, school supplies and seeing friends. Fall has since become synonymous with fresh starts and new goals. It is no wonder that we look forward to this season with renewed motivation.

Getting cozy

We can’t talk about fall without talking about the food. Flavors like pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon are found in various hot drinks and food items. Even if you don’t indulge in these foods, they produce highly coveted smells. You will most likely pick up on the notes of cinnamon and nutmeg in the air. These smells can bring back cozy memories of family Thanksgivings and fall activities from the past. These aromas elicit feel-good emotions that put us in a good mood. And, when we are feeling good, we are more apt to start new projects or tackle ones that need completing.

Fall hype

We can’t ignore the hype around autumn. It seems that everyone is excited for the season. And, it’s hard not to catch some of that enthusiasm. With everyone posting images on social media of all-things-pumpkin and spiced lattes we find ourselves joining in even if we don’t particularly care for those things. Humans feel the need to stay connected to one another so we will most likely jump on the bandwagon. Even if that means we haven’t quite finished our summer margaritas yet!


There is a noticeable change from the summer season to the fall. This transition signals a change within us too. We can take on an “out with the old, in with the new” mantra. Whether it is cleaning out the garage, preparing the yard for winter or even considering changing some of our personal routines such as exercise and eating habits, many of us find that this is the perfect time of year to recommit and revitalize. 


Fall is the perfect season to enjoy outdoor activities. From festivals and fairs to hiking and camping, this is the time to experience the best of autumn. Pumpkin patches, Oktoberfest celebrations and hayrides are among the long list of fun things to do. The shifting weather from hot to cool inspires us to get outside and enjoy nature. Research has shown that being outside can spark our creative thinking and problem-solving skills and get us on the path to starting some new creative projects of our own.

Fall harvest

Fall has always been the season of harvest. Agriculturally, after the planting and growing season ended, we had the harvest season. Time to reap what we have sowed. Today we see our harvest season as a time to look back and see the progress we have made on goals that we set at the beginning of the year. We begin to consider how to make those goals a reality. Autumn is naturally a season of reflection and renewal.


Productivity isn’t limited to our home life when it comes to the fall season. We also tend to be more productive at work as well. With summer vacations behind us we set our sights on completing tasks that are due before year end. When the weather turns cold and rainy, we don’t mind being indoors. This gives us time to focus on the piles that have accumulated on our desks. There is psychological relief in reducing the clutter before the start of a new working year. We see it as a time to reset and finish strong.

Autumn renewal

It is natural to renew our focus and purpose in the autumn months. We feel it in the weather and in our bodies. This is the time to reflect on where we are and set our sights on what we want to accomplish before the new year begins. That is why it is the most productive season of the year.

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Photo courtesy pixabay/hudsoncrafted

Author of Article

Barbara Bauer is a Georgia-based blogger obsessed with inspiring others in the pursuit of self-development. She enjoys exploring the outdoors, drinking way too much coffee, and speaking with a British accent whenever possible.

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